"How To: Apply Lipgloss"
I made this as a school assignment to create a "how to" video. I thought it was fun to do something sort of silly and not particularly helpful as a functioning "how to."
September 2022
"Podcast Promo"
I made this video for a school assignment to animate a clip from a podcast as a promotional video. Clip from episode 181 of This American Life: "The Friendly Man."
April 2022
"Motion Posters"
I made these promotional posters for a school assignment using Cinema4D to animate looping motion. I used a combination of 3D models that I made myself and found online. The photograph in the middle poster was taken by me.
November 2022
"Let me put it this way"
I animated this video using mostly traditional stop-motion with some digital animation added to It. Video created to illustrate the poem "Let me put it this way" by Simon Armitage.
December 2021
"One Shot"
I wanted to explore pacing with this project. Filmed during a time where I had to inject myself with medication monthly, I wanted the viewer to feel like the part where I was giving myself the shot took forever since that was how I felt about it at the time.
June 2020
I made this video in response to an open ended prompt about language. Originally displayed on a CRT TV in a gallery space, this video combines clips from traditionally romantic television and film with found footage of flowers made to look like a public-access educational program.
April 2019
"Blood Stains."
This video was made as an assignment meant to address a social issue. Although this was a group project, I proposed the topic and execution. Made from found footage and original footage with editing by me.
October 2018